02 April 2008

Sitting on the fence

Wood pigeon in my garden

Pigeons are like chickens - daft but lovely!


Suzanne said...

I'm supposed to be sleeping. Apparently I'm not! I don't feel well, so here I sit.

This is such a beautiful photo. We feed the birds and squirrels in our yard and our favorites are the doves. They are so gentle and loving. I believe your photo is of a pigeon. Right? Just lovely and peaceful, and framed so perfectly by the the flowers.

Have a wonderful day sweetie. We'll chat soon.

Shutterspy said...

@Suzanne: Yup, it's a wood pigeon. I didn't think of that - maybe you don't have wood pigeons where you are.

I'd better caption the picture! :-D

Thanks and hope you feel better soon :-D

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